Following the daily ear, Bakage 2nd series! First of early valve game world appeared!
★☆祝!40万ダウンロード突破!★☆★☆世界初の早弁ゲームが登場!早弁とは戦いだ!★☆大ヒットを記録した”毎日の耳かき”に続くバカゲーシリーズ第2弾!今度は戦争だ!!■エクストリーム早弁とは?「早弁とは空腹を満たすためものではない!やるかやられるかの、先生との戦いである!」授業中に先生の隙を見て、お母さんのお手製弁当をいかに食べきるか。誰もが経験のあるあの“早弁”を、世界で初めてゲームアプリ化しました!単なる空腹を満たす行為ではない、スリリングでスポーティな早弁をお楽しみ下さい!・ゲーム説明授業中、先生がこっちを見ていない隙に、お母さんのお手製弁当を素早く食べきろう!弁当を食べるのはボタンをタップするだけの簡単操作!先生がこちらを振り向くタイミングは授業のセリフで判断し、何事もなかったかのようにやり過ごそう!・食べた弁当にはレアな弁当も!?お母さんのお手製弁当には通常の弁当以外にも、フランス料理や中華料理、はたまた意外な料理まで、様々なレア弁当が登場します!食べ終わったレア弁当は図鑑に記録されるので、レア弁当のコンプリートを目指そう!・完食までのスピードをTwitterでつぶやこう!先生にばれないように見事弁当を完食できれば、完食までのスピードや弁当の量を記録し、その結果をTwitterでつぶやくことができます!誰よりも多く!誰よりも早く!早弁マスターを目指そう!★ ☆ congratulation! 400,000 downloads surpassed! ★ ☆★ ☆s first early valve game world appeared! It is a fight to the Haya-ben! ★ ☆Following the big hit was recorded "daily ear"Bakage 2nd series! Now its war! !■ The Extreme early valve?"Haya-ben not intended to satisfy the hunger and! Or done or is doing, it is in the fight of the teacher!"Look at the gap of the teacher in class, you can either eat as possible how the mother of homemade lunch. Everyone Ano "Haya-ben" with experience, was the worlds first game app of! It is not an act to satisfy the mere hunger, enjoy a sporty Haya-ben in thrilling!Game DescriptionIn class, in the chance that the teacher is not looking at me, you will Kiro eat quickly the mother of homemade lunch! You only easy operation and eat lunch to tap a button! the timing at which the teacher turned around here are judged by words of class, it will Yarisugoso as if nothing had happened!• Even eating was rare lunch to lunch! ?In addition to the mother of homemade lunch normal lunch in, French and Chinese, to Hata also surprising cuisine, a variety of rare lunch appeared!Since it was finished eating rare lunch box are recorded in the picture book, it will aim to complete the rare lunch!Let Tsubuyakou a speed of up-complete food in Twitter!If you can complete diet superb lunch so that it is not the teacher finds out, record the amount of speed and lunch to complete diet, you can tweet the results in Twitter!The more than anyone else! And faster than anyone! Aim the Haya-ben master!64bit対応